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ROM Å©±â : 300KB
RAM Å©±â : 8~256MB
2°³ ä³ÎÁö¿ø, °¢Ã¤³Îº° 30fps ³ìÈ
À½¼ºµ¿½Ã ³ìÀ½ Áö¿ø
G-¼¾¼, GPS Áö¿ø
Download |
2011 June 2nd
PC Viewer |
2010 Aug 17th
2010 Aug 17th
Functions |
2 Channel encoding |
VGA size.
MJPEG encoding.
If using addtional chip, 8 channel encoding is possible.
AVI file encoding.
30 fps (frame per second) each channel |
30 frame per each channel.
can change the encoding fps by modify the configuration file.
audio encoding |
adpcm encoding.
only one channel.
added to MJPEG AVI file.
G-Sensor, GPS |
Bosh BCM150.
XYZ-axis gravity value is recorded in each JPEG files.
latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, track and direction is recorded in each JPEG files.